How To Treat Strep Throat
A strep throat is a highly contagious disease, which affects a lot of people around the world today. This condition is caused by streptococcal bacteria and it can infect people of all ages, which include children. Strep throat is an infection in the throat and tonsils, and since it is highly contagious, which can be transmitted by air through sneezing and coughing, it is a good idea to keep away from people who have it. On the other hand, if you know you have it, then you should avoid getting in contact with your friends and family. Aside from that, you should also know how to treat it, so that you can prevent it from becoming a more serious illness.
On top of learning how to cure the strep throat, it is also very important to know whether you have it or not. Some of the symptoms associated with strep throat would include cold chills, sore throat, high fever, headaches, and even vomiting. It is an infection that can make you miss all the things that you need to do for the day since it will get you to weaken; and, as mentioned on top, since you need to avoid contact with other people to prevent spreading it, then you will have to miss work as well.
One of the fastest ways to cure strep throat is to go through antibiotic therapy. If you want to go through this treatment procedure, it is best that you approach your doctor first. In most cases, before your doctor recommends antibiotics for your strep throat, he will have you go through a test first, which will determine if you really have strep throat or not. Such a test can be done in as short as 30 minutes. If the test confirms that you have strep throat, then your doctor may prescribe a certain antibiotic, which you will have to take for 2 to 3 times per day.
Doctors usually recommend antibiotic therapy to strep throat stricken individuals, to facilitate faster relief from it, as well as to prevent complications. If you go through this type of therapy, it is very important that you follow the right dosage, in order for the antibiotics to be effective.
Although the administration of antibiotics can help you attain fast relief from strep throat, you need to keep in mind that it will also kill good bacteria in your body. Thus, if your strep throat has just started, then it is a good idea to make use of a natural remedy for it. One example of it is the combination of four cloves of garlic, which have been pressed, one tablespoon of honey, and a quarter teaspoon of cayenne pepper. A teaspoon of this formula can be taken every hour for one day, to help to cure strep throat.
These are the choices you have when it comes to treating strep throat. Just keep in mind that proper assessment of the severity of the infection is important so that you will know whether you need to visit your doctor, or apply the natural remedy for it.
Can strep throat go away on its own?
Strep Throat | HealthLink BC…
Strep throat usually goes away in 3 to 7 days with or without antibiotic treatment. … If strep throat isn’t treated with antibiotics, you will continue to be contagious for 2 to 3 weeks even if your symptoms go away. Strep Throat | HealthLink BC… for: Can strep throat go away on its own?
What is the first sign of strep throat?
Strep throat – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic……/syc-20350338
Signs and symptoms of strep throat can include Throat pain that usually comes on quickly. Painful swallowing. Red and swollen tonsils, sometimes with white patches or streaks of pus. Sep 28, 2018Strep throat – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic……/syc-20350338Search for: What is the first sign of strep throat?
How do you get rid of strep without antibiotics?
Sore Throat: Should I Take Antibiotics? | HealthLink BC…
How can you relieve a sore throat without antibiotics? Gargle often with warm salt water if you are age 8 or older. … Drink extra fluids to soothe your throat. … Get plenty of rest. Take over-the-counter medicine such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen to relieve pain and reduce fever. More items…Sore Throat: Should I Take Antibiotics? | HealthLink BC… for: How do you get rid of strep without antibiotics?
can strep throat kill you?
Strep Throat: Symptoms and Treatment – Live Science…
It is possible for strep throat to clear up without treatment; however, the risk of complications could increase in some individuals. Moreover, the infection is contagious until treated. … All of these antibiotics kill strep bacteria, alleviate symptoms and decrease the amount of time an individual is sick. Oct 15, 2018Strep Throat: Symptoms and Treatment – Live Science… for: Can strep throat kill you?
How do you know if you have strep throat or just a sore throat?
Strep Throat vs. Sore Throat Symptoms: How to Tell The Difference ……/strep-throat-vs-sore-throat-symptoms-how-tell-differenc…
Signs and symptoms of strep throat are very similar to an ordinary sore throat, but in general strep throat has: … Just a sore throat without cough/cold symptoms like a runny nose or congestion. Swollen lymph nodes (right below the earlobes) Red and swollen tonsils, sometimes accompanied by white patches or streaks.Strep Throat vs. Sore Throat Symptoms: How to Tell The Difference ……/strep-throat-vs-sore-throat-symptoms-how-tell-differenc…Search for: How do you know if you have strep throat or just a sore throat?
How do you cure strep throat naturally?
Strep Throat Natural Home Remedies – MedicineNet…
You can relieve some of the symptoms of strep throat with home remedies. Over-the-counter pain medications including ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve) can help relieve pain and inflammation. Gargling with salt water is a natural remedy that can help clear the throat and relieve pain. More items…Strep Throat Natural Home Remedies – MedicineNet… for: How do you cure strep throat naturally?
Is strep throat serious?
Strep Throat: Symptoms, Pictures, Diagnosis, and Treatment…
If strep throat is treated, the symptoms will improve within one week. But if it’s left untreated, strep throat can cause serious complications. These complications include: … scarlet fever, which occurs when toxins created by the strep infection cause a scarlet-colored rash to develop on different parts of the body.Jan 27, 2016Strep Throat: Symptoms, Pictures, Diagnosis, and Treatment… for: Is strep throat serious?
What does strep look like?
Anatomy of a Sore Throat Slideshow: Distinguish Common Sore …
You might see white dots or patches in the back of your throat. Your tonsils — the bumps on either side at the back of your throat — might be red and swollen, too. These could be signs of bacterial infection like strep throat or oral thrush or a viral infection like oral herpes or mononucleosis. Anatomy of a Sore Throat Slideshow: Distinguish Common Sore … for: What does strep look like?
Can you die from strep throat?
The dangers of strep throat | Fox News…
Yes, this case of strep throat is certainly extreme, but the contagious infection can cause many problems if ignored. One harmful complication is an infection to the kidneys. If a strep infection goes untreated, the bacteria will often wreak havoc on your kidneys, causing swelling, blood in urine, and joint pain. Mar 20, 2017, The dangers of strep throat | Fox News… for: Can you die from strep throat?
Does apple cider vinegar kill strep throat?
How to Get Rid of a Sore Throat: 25 Remedies for Pain & Cures……/article.htm
Apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is acidic and can kill bacteria in the throat, and also coat and soothe a sore throat. … Use as a gargle – mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with 8 ounces of water. This also can be combined with 1 teaspoon of salt for a saltwater vinegar gargle (gargling with warm salt-water remedy). How to Get Rid of a Sore Throat: 25 Remedies for Pain & Cures……/article.htmSearch for: Does apple cider vinegar kill strep throat?
Are antibiotics necessary for strep throat?
Sore Throat | Community | Antibiotic Use | CDC……/sore-throat.html
Antibiotics are not needed to treat most sore throats, which usually improve on their own within 1–2 weeks. Antibiotics will not help if a sore throat is caused by a virus or irritation from the air. … Antibiotics are prescribed for strep throat to prevent rheumatic fever. Apr 17, 2015Sore Throat | Community | Antibiotic Use | CDC……/sore-throat.htmlSearch for: Are antibiotics necessary for strep throat?